At REVA Dental Implant Center, we pride ourselves on creating a family-like environment where every patient feels supported and uplifted. Bradley Sedig’s story is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional care and transforming lives.

Bradley came to REVA with teeth in severe disrepair, a situation that made him feel self-conscious. “My teeth are in such bad repair at this point, you know, I feel kind of bad,” he shares. Despite this, Bradley found solace in the welcoming atmosphere at REVA. “Everybody’s very, very good and uplifting and supportive. Everybody wants to see your success.”

Bradley came to REVA with teeth in severe disrepair, a situation that made him feel self-conscious. “My teeth are in such bad repair at this point, you know, I feel kind of bad,” he shares. Despite this, Bradley found solace in the welcoming atmosphere at REVA.

Everybody’s very, very good and uplifting and supportive. Everybody wants to see your success.

Bradley’s journey to dental restoration was not straightforward. For years, he prioritized his family’s dental health over his own, ensuring his children received regular check-ups and his wife maintained her perfect teeth. However, he found it difficult to justify the expense of his own dental care. “I never could justify, oh you need a root canal, it will be $900. I just couldn’t justify it. There were more important priorities,” he explains.

This mindset led to many of Bradley’s teeth being pulled over the years. However, an assault that broke his dental bridge left him without any bottom molars, significantly impacting his ability to eat and enjoy his favorite foods. “I’ve got a freezer full of steak with my name on it. So I can’t eat that right now. Well, I can but it’s hard to chew.”

It would be better to greet them and talk and interact with them with a full set of teeth that present me well, he notes, emphasizing the importance of a confident smile in his line of work.

In his professional life as a construction manager, Bradley often meets with key players in his projects. Having a full set of teeth to present himself well is crucial.

Bradley’s apprehension about the dental procedure quickly dissipated once he experienced the process. “Initially, I was a little bit apprehensive. I thought that as I would bite down on anything that I would have pain from the actual surgery. The first week was a little bit touch-and-go because you have to have a liquid diet, but after that point, no pain in eating,” he recalls. The transformation was immediate, with temporary teeth providing an instant boost to his appearance and confidence.

Three months after his surgery, Bradley received his final set of teeth. The impact on his life has been profound. “Since I’ve had it done, I’ve noticed the increase in my energy level. I’m not eating everything that I want to eat, but I’m eating better than I was eating before. I’m able to chew, able to enjoy the taste of food without something else in mixing into it that makes it taste foul. It’s been good.”

Bradley’s journey with REVA has been nothing short of miraculous. “There’s no other path that I could see that would give me the results that I got from this,” he states. His advice to others is clear: “If you’re out there, if you’re watching, I would highly suggest that you go through the process. Take baby steps, do your research, but trust that the people at REVA, they’ll come out for you.”

Bradley’s experience underscores the transformative power of a healthy, confident smile. At REVA Dental Implant Center, we’re dedicated to helping our patients rediscover their smiles and improve their quality of life. If you’re facing dental challenges, we invite you to take the first step towards a brighter, more confident future with us.

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